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Join the Challenge!

Learn to share your Jesus story in 30 seconds, then post it online!

Join Now


Talk to God & fill in 
the prompts

  • There was a time in my life when I was ______ & _____.
  • Then I decided to follow Jesus and he showed me _____.
  • Now that Jesus has changed me, I am _____ & _____.




Video Yourself


Share! Share! Share!

We want to hear your story!

Sign up below to join the challenge and we’ll send you the instructions. Already posted your video online? Send us the link in the form below for a chance to be featured on the I Am Second social accounts!

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Join the official #MySecondStoryChallenge!

People all over the world are taking the challenge to share their story with others through social media. It may seem a little intimidating to share online about what Jesus has done in your life, but your story matters. You never know who might need to hear it.

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Join the official #MySecondStoryChallenge!

People all over the world are taking the challenge to share their story with others through social media. It may seem a little intimidating to share online about what Jesus has done in your life, but your story matters. You never know who might need to hear it.

Don’t have a story like this?

Learn more about why we choose to put Jesus first in our lives.

Why put Jesus first?
A woman sitting on a stool smiling and leaning forward with elbows resting on her legs.